J.D. Hayworth, the Arizona conservative challenging Sen. John McCain in the Republican Senate primary, wants an apology from the general manager of the Phoenix Suns over his remarks about Arizona's new immigration law.
"For [Suns General Manager] Steve Kerr to make comparisons with this law with Nazi Germany is beyond the pale," Hayworth said, Arizona radio station KTAR reports. "He should apologize, that has no basis in fact."
The Phoenix Suns basketball team last night wore their "Los Suns" jerseys during Game 2 of the NBA Western Conference semifinals to show solidarity with Latinos protesting Arizona's new immigration law.
The law, which goes into effect in July, requires police officers to question a person about his or her immigration status during a "lawful stop" if there is "reasonable suspicion" that person may be in the country illegally. It also requires immigrants to carry documents verifying their immigration status.
Kerr said it was their "duty" to address the issue, the Arizona Republic reported.
"It's hard to imagine in this country that we have to produce papers," Kerr said. "It rings up images of Nazi Germany. We understand that the intentions of the law are not for that to happen, but you have to be very, very careful."
Hayworth challenged Kerr's understanding of the legislation, KTAR reports.
"In the law are these words: Respecting the civil rights of all persons," he said. "Steve's a smart guy, but I bet he hasn't read the bill."
Outrage over the law has prompted calls for economic boycotts of Arizona, many focusing on Major League Baseball. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said in an op-ed that the calls for boycotts are misguided.