Tracey Thurman is known as a CT woman of the house who abided domesticated ferocity by her husband, Charles Buck Thurman. The abuse came to a terrible climax in a bloody night when Buck Thurman Tracey stabbed 13 times. Buck was then caught, and Tracey can be relieved by docs.
Tracey Thurman was inspired Thurman Act, which asked mandatary arrests in domesticated ferocity cases in CT and several other states. Thurman was the law on the efforts of Tracey as she continued the police force when she is failing to assure decent protection of local police in 1989. Tracey Thurman was left partially paralyzed and had $ 2.3 million in damages in 1985.
The movie, inspired by the story of Tracey Thurman was made in 1989, directed by Robert Markowitz. A cry for help: Tracy Thurman's story first presented in October 2, 1989. Nancy McKeon, who acted like Tracey Thurman cried out for helper, the movie in the hope that it will take Buck Thurman in prison longer.
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