Tonight sees the finale of one of the highest rated shows on TV: Lost. The series surely owes some of its success to the web — but tonight Lost fans may have no choice but to log off completely.
Is this a mixed blessing provided by the web? While watching and commenting upon TV shows is easier than ever, unwanted information — the dreaded Lost spoiler — also zooms around the network at the speed of light.
Lost Online: On-Demand Creates Choice
The web has provided Lost aficionados with a wealth of options for consuming and connecting around each episode. Lost was among the very first series available on iTunes, giving the option to watch on-demand on your computer, iPod or iPhone. What’s more, these episodes are without commercial interruption, giving you the option to watch (or DVR) the TV version for free, or pay for a better experience.
In 2006, meanwhile, ABC tested a model whereby Lost was available free online with ads — a risky move considering that Internet (Internet) advertising typically yields lower rates than TV. At the time of writing, seasons 1-6 are available in HD, all for free (with ads) on the ABC website.
Unsurprisingly, the move proved popular: in late 2008 Nielsen named Lost the most popular TV show online. And don’t forget that in 2009, Lost also came to Hulu (Hulu), providing an even better user experience and yet more choice.
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