The Lost Season 6 Finale is about to end tonight with two episodes named “The End”. Tons of people are searching the internet with the Lost Series Finale spoilers. Lost is an American live-action television series with a lot of suspense action. Tonight will be the end of the television series sensation of the Lost in its Season 6 Finale.
You can watch Lost Season 6 Finale on ABC at 9:00 PM. You can also watch Lost Series finale in the internet as there are so many websites offering free live stream. As we promised we will tell you some of the Lost Series Finale Spoilers.
* Jack becomes the new Jacob and the protector of the island.
* In order to make the parallel universe happen, Jack believes that he must kill John Locke and save the island.
* Desmond is reuniting all of the characters and is helping them remember the time they spent on the island.
* Desmond works for Charles Whitmore and connects with Penny through the charity concert that Whitmores are planning on.
* Jin and Sun are pregnant. Juliet is their doctor. As Jin and Sun look at the sonogram, they both remember.
* Jack gives John Locke a spinal surgery and it works, Locke remembers.
* The episode ends with Jack Dying of the knife wound in the bamboo forest on the island. He is joined by Walt’s dog, Vincent and he smiles as he watches the plane with Kate, Claire, Sawyer and the other survivors flying away and then he dies at the exact place where the show started.
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