Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost Blog

The Lost finale has almost finished its first hour here on the West coast. Here is a recap of Part One of “The End”. This is the final episode of season 6 and of the series as a whole. I’ll fill you in on the details of what you my have missed.

The episode opens on LAX and an oceanic flight. Desmond picks up the coffin of Christian Sheppard. We get a grand montage of the main characters and their two selves. We pick up in Sideways world were everyone is gathering for the concert. Hurley in the island timeline in reference to Jacob gives one of my favorite lines, “He was worse than Yoda.” As Sawyer goes off to find Desmond I swear they play a variant of the Imperial Death March.

We learn that Locke is going to sink the island with Desmond’s help. Ben is taken aback because he did not take MIB seriously about destroying the island considering he told him he could have it. We hear the walkie talkie go off and wonder if Ben is about to do another double cross. We then flash to Richard and Miles still on their mission to destroy the plane. On the way to Hydra Island they rescue Lapidus! His plan, why blow up a plane when he can fly them out of this place!

Back in sideways flash world Juliet comes in to check on Sun and Jin. As they see their child they both remember the island. As fans we get the satisfaction of their reunion and Jin getting to see his child Ji Yeon. At this time it is also revealed that Juliet is Jack’s Wife and he mother of David.

At the end of what might be called the first act; Jack, MIB, and Desmond arrive at the heart of the island. Jack wants to kill Locke. Desmond wants to accomplish his task and be lowered into the golden light. Desmond tells Jack that if he does this task that they will be in another life that is happy; the Sideways Flash world.,p> In the last 15 minutes Sayid saves Shannon in the sideways world and remembers the island. Claire stops Miles and crew on the island present. Claire walks away saying she can’t leave with them. MIB remembers John’s life to connect with Jack. The last shot is MIB and Jack staring down the waterfall into the golden light.

That ends the first hour of the Lost Finale “The End”. Keep checking back for more Live Blog posts! Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Read full story here: