Danica Patrick (Andretti Autoport) has made a name for herself being different from what is expected in a NASCAR driver – most notably, female, but did she may have gone from eccentric to downright inappropriate after her poor qualifying run this morning at the Indianapolis 500. Claiming her car was “loose” (a feeling that the car may spin out) she went on to spew some frustration around, seemingly blaming her pit crew by saying “It’s not my fault”. Patrick also told the Pole Day crowd, “This is the worse car I’ve ever had” and claimed that she was “still shaking”. Her remarks played over the loudspeakers, caused a normally pro-Danica crowd to boo heartily, maybe being taken as whining or blaming the pit crew for her poor performance.
Patrick may be a good driver, and certainly has never been afraid to speak her mind or put herself out there, but the old axiom that it’s a poor workman who blames his tools still applies. A pit crew has to feel as confident in their driver’s respect as the driver has to feel confident in the car. While Number 7 car may have been loose, Patrick may have lost fan support by speaking out this time. As a Go Daddy spokeswoman, more is riding on her public image that just cheering fans; when a driver loses face, they can lose endorsements as well.
Patrick still qualified for the 500, squeaking in at 23rd, right below the cut-off at 24th. I hope that if she doesn’t do as well in the race, she at least doesn’t throw anyone else under the race car!