Man, I don't remember me begging my parents to get me a Super Nintendo, but that's what they said I did. All I remember is getting it and wasting precious hours of my childhood playing it. I think most of us can can associate our early memories with video games.
Even, my father. The man who told me to spend as much time reading books as I did watching tv. Or at least half that much. And even then I don't think I could read for 3 hours or 4 hours straight. But, lo and behold, when I saw my father touch the joystick that so many have throughout video game history I saw my father's inner child. And that is thanks to Pacman. I am proud to say that I have also played the game that has caused so much enjoyment to adults and kids alike. So Happy 30th Anniversary Pacman. Thanks for bringing out the kid in all of us.
And if you haven't gotten the chance to play the game, wait no longer. Google has inserted the game into its logo for the next 48 hours. All you need to do is go to the google homepage and click the insert coin button or just wait. For more info go to: Googleblogspot.