In case you haven't heard, the Google homepage allows visitors to the world's most popular website to play Pac-Man online, for the game's 30th anniversary with Google Doodle. The following note appears on Google's Help forum:
Hey Web Searchers,
If you've visited our homepage today, there's no doubt that you noticed our Pac Man doodle honoring the game's 30th anniversary. If you insert the virtual coin, you can begin playing this legendary game or you can wait 10 seconds and it will automatically start. If you're not a Pac Man fan or want to skip the music and lights, just enter you search query as usual and you'll be directed to our normal search results page. Other options include:
1. Closing your browser
2. Turning the volume down or off on your computer
3. Playing Pac Man all day long (or at least until you beat your co-workers)
Happy Friday!
This is sure to bring down the entire world's productivity today, but go on, you know you wanna...
PS: It's also the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars film, "The Empire Strikes Back" today.