David Boreanaz cheated on wife, Jaime Bergman & got blackmailed. According to TMZ , Fox “Bones” star and former “Angel” star, David Boreanaz apparently confessed to Jaimie Bergman that he cheated on her briefly during their nine year marriage after Gloria Allred contacted his lawyer,demanding six figures.
They say David admitted to People magazine that he had a relationship with a woman,and felt like he just got blackmailed. He stated, “She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed.” David had a short-term relationship with a woman,and they hooked up 2-3 times. Then he started paying her money,which was about $7,000 here and there. However, she began demanding more money from him, or she would go public with the affair.
After that, Boreanaz confessed the whole affair to his wife of 9 years, Jaime Bergman. Then Gloria Allred started representing David’s mistress,and demanded a six figure amount from David,so he went public with the affair,and refused to pay any more money to the mistress. You can read the story at TMZ by Clicking Here.