There was only one stand out singer on tonight’s American Idol: Lee DeWyze. It’s been a long journey and unfortunately, this hasn’t been one of American Idol’s best seasons. Harry Connick Jr. mentored the Idol contestants and only Lee DeWyze stood out. Lee brought the swing and conjured up the sounds of Sinatra or Dean Martin.
Who will go home tomorrow? Do you have a guess?
We’re thinking that Casey James or Aaron Kelly will be the one to make their final departure. Crystal was great as always, but the song just didn’t have the extra ‘something’ that Lee brought to the show.
Kara DioGuardi suggested that Lee go home and write 100xs ‘I can win American Idol.’ We agree! At this point, we’re betting it will be a tight run between Crystal and Lee DeWyze. We also have a feeling that Lee’s vulnerability and shyness may endear him to many of the voters, helping him get the votes he needs.